Saturday, September 13, 2014


So I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with the blogging site Tumblr, but I just want to put it out there that I now have a Tumblr blog for art as well, which will be updated more frequently with casual doodles and fanart and other tidbits that won't be found here. So if you'd like to see that, take a look!

Mimi Cee Draws

In other news, I've started up a sketch comic called "Brutal". It's basically an honest portrayal of my everyday life. This is also hosted via Tumblr, as they have nice webcomic layouts and lots of useful functions. It doesn't hurt that it's free, either.


Here's a quick preview of what's up on Brutal:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Just a quick update of stuff I've been working on. I've been learning Unity for a project I'm currently doing and it's going well (I think!) So well, in fact, that I also learned how to make a .gif out of screen shots to show around my extremely threatening oyster.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I don't normally draw too much fanart, but I just had to join in on a tribute collaboration for Secret of Mana. It's run by Ryan Jampole and all the detail can be found in this Google Document. I chose Watts for my character and used this as an opportunity to become more familiar with digital drawing/inking. This is the first piece I've done entirely digitally and been really proud of! I don't know if this is the piece I'll submit, but I'm still quite happy with it. Maybe I should draw late at night more often.

And since I'm on the subject of fanart:

Heeerrrrrmione! This was the first entirely digital drawing I did EVER and it's from last month after listening to The Sorcerer's Stone on audio book. I figure I might as well post it now and get all the tribute feelings out together. I was still finding my feet with this one, and trying to figure out Manga Studio 5, which I've been using to draw. Can I just say, it is so much easier than in Photoshop (sorry, Photoshop)! Anyway, let me sign out before I get too wordy. Until next time!

Monday, March 3, 2014


Due to a number of factors, my website's address has changed. It is now:

It has always been accessible from this address, but now this is the only web address associated with my site (as in no more dot com). I will see if I can get the dot com domain back in the future, but for now this is it. Just wanted to put a heads-up here!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Game Wizards Project

So I recently got involved with a volunteer group in Baltimore called the Game Wizards, and these are some sprites I'm working on in my first project with them. I'm super excited, but the information and art I'll be sharing is going to be limited for now. As you can see, these don't have their clothing designs finished yet and I'm still testing out different skin tones.